Saturday, February 28, 2009

Sunday, May 6th, 1967.

The Horrible Truth

We had beaten the Soc's, that's true. We should be happy, the Brumly Boys' Gang probably is, but our crew couldn't feel worse.

Right after we beat the Soc's in the vacant lot, Dally, who was supposed to be in the hospital, grabed me and told me to come with him to see Johnny in the hospital. I was supposed to be the fastest runner of our whole Greaser gang, but I guess I was pretty tired from have a large Soc sit on me for half an hour. Dallas beat me to the T-Bird he was driving, and we got in. Dally had his foot to the floor the whole way to the hospital, except when a police officer pulled us over for speeding. Dally told the guy that he was taking me to the hospital, which he was, but the cop thought that I was really sick, so he actually escorted us there. We ran into Johnny's room and he was there, still alive. We told him that the Greasers had beaten the Soc's, we thoght that that would have made him feel good,, but it diddn't, instead he just said, "fightin's no good." This was really deep, and I think it will stick with me forever. Then he adressed me, and he said, "Stay golden Ponyboy Curtis, stay golden." I don't know what he meant by that. After that Johnny Cade just died.

I'm in the living room right now and Soda and Steve and Darry and Two-Bit are all just sitting around, probably thinking about what we fight for, it is realy no good.

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